
SOLD! to the lady in the second row....

......Actually, I'm kidding, but we did sell our condo... to the same guy that bought Travis' car.  YAY!
Travis and I were pretty stoked.  We were initially a bit worried because there were quite a few places in our complex that had been on the market for months.  Fortunately, we were lucky enough to price it right and had an offer within two days.  Travis actually was supposed to be gone when they showed the house but the buyers came late and as Travis walked out the door he noticed it was the same guy who had bought his Alero.  I'm not sure if its a coincidence or, as Travis says, this guy wanted to be just like him (I'm guessing its the former but I'll let him believe what he likes).   We also weren't able to get Molly out of the house for that showing so we'd like to give her some credit on selling the place.  Its about  dang time she started pulling her  own weight! Anyways, so we're very happy that its sold and our official moving day is April 22.

Besides that, not much else is new.  We're beginning to discover that April is going to be a crazy month. We have to move out at the end and Travis is gone working in Swift Current for a large majority of it.  I will be done school hopefully April 24 but am hoping to leave earlier as I have to be out in Penticton the 25.  So.. its going to be crazy.  But that's how we like to live our lives... in disarray and out of a suitcase.

With the move, I'm also currently in the process of registering for the BCVMA... and quite the process it is.  While I recognize that it  requires alot and they want to have as much information about you as possible, I'm fairly certain the next thing on my checklist of requirements will be to donate my left kidney.  Its a bit ridiculous.  Also, its costing a fortune... so  lets all hope I'll be able to get a job.  On the bright side, if I don't, we did get the condo in Penticton.  So you may find me unemployed, drinking wine by our pool.  I think it sounds great.  Travis thinks otherwise.

I'm still also in Calgary at the CARE Centre.  It has been really good so far.  I've seen alot of cases that are realistic to what I would see in practice but also alot where treatments required would be much more than I can handle.  We had a dog on peritoneal dialysis.  You don't even want to know what the bill was. Anyways, its been a really good experience so far.  It's finally also warmed up in Calgary.  I've been running outside every morning, despite the -25 degree weather.  Finally, this morning it was 0.  The first few days I'm fairly sure my lungs were  suffering from frostbite and a couple times I was close to keeling over and freezing in the snow bank (I felt it was similar to me smoking a pack of cigarettes and then running a marathon).  Anyways, this morning was significantly more lovely and enjoyable.  No near death experience.  Tania and I are hopefully going to do the Calgary Half Marathon, though, so I must get in better shape than I currently am now. Hopefully.

That's all thats new so far... I promise I will try to have a more thrilling post next time... but right now, I'm too tired. I'll therefore leave a picture of Cinque Terre, a place Travis and I can't wait to visit in Italy.


  1. Yay! Good to hear!
    Cinque Terra is great - lots of time sitting in the sun eating cheap awesome pizza on the rocks beside I bay that looks just like the one above. Cheap gelato everywhere (and good cheeses and meats, and bread...) The hiking trail connecting the 5 cities is great too, though take some revolution or something - I remember there are a couple spots where there are feral cats that are used to people feeding them, but they were disgustingly loaded with ticks...

  2. congrats on selling the condo! so exciting. :D sounds like you guys will be busy busy!!! make sure you find time for each other. :) we'd love to see you if you're home sometime.
