
Here it goes

Here it goes! I never really thought I'd be a blogger but I've done my fair share of creeping on other people's blogs and have decided that we might as well start one.  Why now?  First, our lives in the past 8 years have been less than exciting.  They have consisted of going to school, getting a job in the summer and going back to school.  Not to say that in between that time we haven't done a whole wack of cool things like 1. get married 2. go to Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii etc.  3. Travis graduated from Pharmacy.  But it still felt like school was always there.
So now, we are less than 4 months away from both being done school.  And there are alot of exciting things to look forward to so we figured we would start this blog so people could keep up with our plans!  And get ready... because we've got big ones :) (and no they do not include having children anytime soon)